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Adoption Workshop in Chennai

Dear Aspiring Adoptive Parent

We are pleased to inform that during this year’s Adoption Awareness Week, we shall be conducting a one-day workshop for Aspiring parents wanting to adopt a child.

During this hands-on workshop you would fill-in your Adoption Preparation Manual and take it with you. The adoption aspects that are covered shall include:

Adoption Stages (Indecisive, Decisive, Waiting)
Adopter’s Choice-Resource Matrix
Adopter’s Psychological Pregnancy
Adopter’s Coping Patterns+ Measuring Spousal relationship
Understanding Child Temperaments
Involving Extended Family Members
The 7 core issues in Adoption
Positive Adoption Language
Transition to Adoptive Parenthood

Dr.Hoksbergen from Holland, who is an adoption expert and the author of many books such as 'Adopting a Child' shall discuss on Adoptiive Parenthood

Date: Sunday 14NOVTime: 0900hrs Registration,
Workshop: from 09:30 to 16:30hrs
Venue: Relief Foundation Resource Centre, 7/9, Sriram Nagar Main Road, Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai 600041
Contact: Vidya Shankar 94444 49644
Investment: Rs750 per couple or Rs500 per individual if paid before before 31Oct.Rs1000 per couple or Rs600 per individual if paid between 01to14Nov.

Kindly mail your confirmation (indicating your expectations from theworkshop) and send your cheque payable at Chennai to the address mentioned above.We would be grateful if you could forward this mail to whoever you fee lmight benefit from this workshop conducted only twice a year.

This invitation is on behalf of SuDatta Adoption Support Group and Relief Foundation.


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