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Now, you too can restore missing/ lost/ trafficked children in India

After our recent work to restore three missing boys to their homes, it got me thinking about how to do this work faster and to include more people.

I explored of doing it in various ways but they all require lot of money and human resources. So I thought of an easy way to do this work and that is by using social microblogging site

I set up an account at and this is how it is going to work. If you’re in India, send an SMS (Short Messaging Service) from your mobile phone as FOLLOW INDIACHILDALERT to 53000 and that’s it (Yes!! Can you believe it? You don’t even have to have a personal twitter account). Then on, anytime we have a missing/ lost/ trafficked child with us, we’ll post it on the above mentioned twitter account and you’ll receive the same information as SMS in your mobile. Don’t worry about receiving long SMS’s from us because twitter only allows the sender to send a message in 140 characters. If at any time, you choose not to be part of this work, you simply send an SMS again from the same mobile phone as LEAVE INDIACHILDALERT to 53000 and you’re deleted. That’s it.

From November 1st to 5th, we want to test this account with your help to see how it works to hash out the kinks. What we’ll do is this: We’ll send out not more than five SMS’s in five days to you (with fictitious stories) to test it and you tell us what needs to be fixed. Hopefully, if everything goes as planned, we want to have this launched on November 14th (Children’s Day in India).

Don’t be afraid of any of us abusing your phone number because we’ll have no way to know (from the twitter account) your phone number nor your identity. You’re going to be that powerful link in restoring missing/ lost/ trafficked children of India to their families.

Please spread the word around by posting this link on your facebook/ twitter/ blog/ web site or any other way that you know to tell others about this service. When you join, please do let me know that you joined because I would have no way to know that you joined.

I am counting on you to join, wouldn’t you?



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