You're probably reading this post because you have received an alert (from IndiaChildAlert) on your mobile phone that you've used to join 'IndiaChildAlert' network' First and foremost I want to thank you for your willingness to join this network
This is not an alert but to test the system that we have set it up for any missing/ lost/ found/ trafficked/ kidnapped child in our country. I would like for you to do something (at the time of your convenience) to help in this process.
We do not know how many people have joined (Twitter doesn't display nor report privately) but if you take a minute to write your thoughts in the comments section below (an empty white box below this post) and how we can market this idea to the larger audience, hopefully we can make a dent for the children in need of our help.
I approached Twitter and they have graciously agreed for us to use their network for this purpose and I had also asked them for content modification which they said that they'll look into it and get back to me. So please spread the word around to others to join in this all too important network of national importance.
Again, thank you for joining and looking forwarding to working with you for the children of India.
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