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Showing posts from July, 2018

You have an NGO and want to advertise? Google is giving ~ Rs. 20,000/- every day ...Sign up today

For the lack of donors support, even the professionally managed NGO's do not have marketing budgets and if they do, the amounts could be very small compared to the resources that they generate.  But what if a donor wants to support any NGO for this precise purpose with a budget of Rs. 20,000/- every day?  You think you can use it?

How do you deal with an unacceptable behavior of a child in a child care institution (CCI)?

Every entity would have their acceptable behaviors and not acceptable behaviors and the children's homes are no different.  JJ Act doesn't prescribe what is acceptable/ not acceptable behavior but expects the institution to orient and train the child of their rules (sub-rule (M)(1) of rule (69) of JJ rules 2016) Having said this, JJ rules (2016) do prescribe the possible specific actions, a child care institution can engage in, in case of violation of rule(s) that constitute to be 'unacceptable behavior'.  Sub rules (1) and (2) of rule N of JJ rules 2016 states the following: N. Manner of dealing with unacceptable behavior:-  (1) The action taken shall be commensurate with the nature and degree of violation and the age of the child and may be any of the following:  (i) formal warning;  (ii) assignment of house-keeping tasks;  (iii) imposition writing i.e. writing a number of times that he shall not repeat the behavior; an...